Whether you gamble all the time or only once in a blue moon, you are filled with hope and excitement every time you walk through those casino doors. If you have been gambling for even a little while, you already know that Lady Luck can be a fickle partner. Sometimes the gods of the casino… Read More

Tax returns can be complicated and tricky to understand. Even for a professional, it can be surprisingly difficult to get every number and detail right. Often, you only notice the mistakes when you take a casual look at your return days after you submit it online or drop it in the mailbox. Or worse, the… Read More

A lot of my clients that come to me with back tax problems are self employed. For one reason or another, they fall behind on their taxes. With COVID-19, small businesses have been hit the hardest and despite the government stimulus bills, there are still millions of businesses teetering on the border of failure. It’s… Read More

If you are a procrastinator, tax filing season is probably the worst time of year. With deadlines looming, filling out all those complicated forms and making sense of an increasingly complex tax code that changes almost every year can seem like an overwhelming task. But no matter how long you put it off, the April… Read More

Tax returns can often be filed with incomplete or incorrect information, leading you to more tax trouble than you bargained for. If you filed early, you might have overlooked income from a temporary job or a side gig, only to get a 1099 or late W2 for the income earned. Other filers may eventually realize… Read More

Taxes are one of those topics people hate to talk about or even think about, especially if they end up owing money in back taxes every year. That’s why many taxpayers wait until the very last moment to prepare for tax season. It’s also why nearly 14 million Americans find themselves receiving threatening letters from… Read More