Proper tax planning is a year-round proposition. You cannot afford to wait until April to start planning your taxes and assessing your tax liability. Knowing which factors can raise your taxes is one of the best ways to keep more money in your pocket. These five factors can unexpectedly raise your taxes owed at the… Read More

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Whether you gamble all the time or only once in a blue moon, you are filled with hope and excitement every time you walk through those casino doors. If you have been gambling for even a little while, you already know that Lady Luck can be a fickle partner. Sometimes the gods of the casino… Read More

Tax returns can be complicated and tricky to understand. Even for a professional, it can be surprisingly difficult to get every number and detail right. Often, you only notice the mistakes when you take a casual look at your return days after you submit it online or drop it in the mailbox. Or worse, the… Read More

Being self-employed offers many advantages, including the freedom to work from where you want, when you want, and the ability to build your own client list and keep all the profits from your hard work. However, there is a significant downside: managing and minimizing your taxable income. Here are four powerful strategies to reduce your… Read More

Freedom and Flexibility, But Taxes Too! The dream of being your own boss is a powerful motivator for many. However, the realities of self-employment extend beyond pursuing your passion. Understanding self-employment taxes is crucial to avoid financial headaches down the road. This guide equips you with the knowledge to navigate tax season with confidence, even… Read More

Don’t Let Taxes Get You Down: A Guide for Procrastinators If you are a procrastinator, tax filing season is probably the worst time of year. With deadlines looming, filling out complicated forms and understanding an increasingly complex tax code can seem overwhelming. But no matter how long you put it off, the tax filing deadline… Read More